Frequently Asked QuestionS

On this page you will find the answers for questions many people have asked us.

 However, if your question isn’t among them, please contact us directly

 and we will be happy to help!

WinWinPanda is a unique international exchange program with Win-Win Concept for professionals to travel. 

TEACH and/or PERFORM two hours a day during your one-week international exchange deal. These are luxury vacations of your dreams. For sharing as a professional only two hours a day the specialty you love while creating experiences for yourself and the people around you in return you and your companion receive the best deal luxury vacation of your dreams at the all-inclusive resort for impressive 8 days and 7 nights. Some resorts even invite additionally up to two children under 12 as a courtesy within your winwinpanda program package.

For the international exchange win-win program can apply only the PROFESSIOANALS within their specialty that are recognized, with certifications, active in their field, more than three-year professional experience, active social media accounts with significant number of followers, energetic, social and very charismatic. Excellent English language skills are required, any other – are just recommended but not mandatory. 
WHO CAN APPLY? – Influencers, Speakers, Magicians, Musicians, Sports, Dancers, Fitness, Wellness, Chefs and more…

Don’t worry, that is wonderful. Contact us and you will be answered. Tell us about your profession, specialty and talent that you are expert in, and we will get in touch with you. Email me at

Your 8 days 7 nights stay includes one room with all the services the all-inclusive resort offers to their guests! 

Of course! Choose your dates and send to
The only limitation is that your stay must start on Saturday and your check-out will be on next week’s Saturday. 

Transfer to a USA account – TRUIST BANK (detailed info will be given directly to you through email).
Transfer to a European account – REVOLUT (detailed info will be given directly to you through email).

Cash before the check in process (detailed info will be given directly to you through email).

Yes, you can travel with the best company of yours.
You don’t have to travel alone.
We believe that beautiful moments should always be shared, that’s why you can take one companion with you! 

Sometimes yes and sometimes no.
First, we need to know your traveling dates and then we can offer you the available resorts to choose from.
It might happen that there is only one resort available, sometimes – ten and sometimes even none.

You can apply as many times as you want, there is no limit! 
The deal is for one room for one week. You can add as many weeks as the resort has availability.

Remember that we have special rate offers for the additional rooms. Take your friends and followers with you. You can even come as a retreat, and we help you to create an amazing experience for everybody.

    If you couldn’t find the answer to your question, we will be happy to help, just fill out this short contact form!


    Maybe you are closer to laying at the beach with a Mojito than you think.